Is not it so hard to resist offering treats to your beloved canine companion, more so when you two are spending some quality time at home? Devoted dog owners find

The temperature has dropped, and you might have noticed changes in your fido’s behaviour. If she loves winter, then her enthusiasm would be over the moon, or else she would

Winter is all upon us. It’s time to get the blankets and sweaters out and devour the nutritionally rich seasonal fruits and veggies. Winter is not only a change of

Having a dog can make your life joyful and rewarding. While your dog cannot speak, he/she can offer you unmatched loyalty and a rare warmth that you will not find

Like many other dog owners, you may feel like giving your beloved dog the best in terms of food and comfort. When it comes to feeding your furry companion, you

Puppy games are incredibly fun, for both you and your little one. These games are a playful way to start exercising your new puppy while teaching him to become socialized,

Cats are charming and moody as pets, and certain cat breeds are loved for their looks and exotic nature as well. The owners of Maine Coon cats are proud of

The love for pets has been constantly increasing in recent times. This is because people acknowledge the benefits of having a pet in their life. Gone are the days when

Like the majority of dog owners, you surely want your dog to enjoy a comfortable life, and so you do the needful to give every possible comfort to the canine

Generally, animals and fireworks do not go hand in hand. The loud noise blasting through their ears and the flashing lights of the fireworks can be quite scary for your

Diwali is not just a festival of lights; it is a celebration of love, life and all the good it has to offer and togetherness. The positive energy in the