Exercising and keeping your pet in good shape also ensures that it is well behaved Bruno is the golden retriever I know best. The breed is meant to be mild

Is your summer checklist ready? But, what about your pet? Looking for ways to keep your pet cool this summer? Here are 6 ways to escape the summer heat. It’s that

Mau acting lovelorn as I was too busy on a call to give her attention Parent and Pet behaviour – How to understand what your pet is saying I talk

Let’s admit our true loves are our cats and dogs Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. The usual frenzy adds a zing to spring. I’d like to know how many of us

Summer heat? Winter blues? Yes, even your pet is affected by these seasonal changes. Know the changes in your pet’s health and ways to cope with them! The scorching summer

Why dog training is important Being a good pet parent includes being a considerate neighbour as the benefit accrues to the family and the pet. It ensures that your pup

We all know that our much loved dogs have descended from wolves. Dogs were originally divided into 7 major groups. When we humans realized that this all-weather friend enjoyed working,

A cat-aggressive dog knew before his humans, that a kitten had been adopted This is meant to be the simplest story I tell, having narrated it often, for more than

Handling family dynamics when preparing for a new puppy or kitten. Training the pet family before the pet comes home. A new member always changes dynamics in any team. In

Training yourself before training your puppy It’s a soft toy your heart cries out. The favourite one ever from now to forever, says your excited child. But your mind knows

Loving someone and committing to someone are two very different things. This is not about the decision to buy a cat or dog or to adopt it. It is about whether one can commit to one.